ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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3,228 lines
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . T E X T _ I O . A U X --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.34 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- The GNAT library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by --
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. The GNAT library is distributed in the hope that it will --
-- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty --
-- Library General Public License for more details. You should have --
-- received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with --
-- the GNAT library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free --
-- Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
with System; use System;
with System.Img_BIU; use System.Img_BIU;
with System.Img_Int; use System.Img_Int;
with System.Img_LLB; use System.Img_LLB;
with System.Img_LLI; use System.Img_LLI;
with System.Img_LLU; use System.Img_LLU;
with System.Img_LLW; use System.Img_LLW;
with System.Img_Real; use System.Img_Real;
with System.Img_Uns; use System.Img_Uns;
with System.Img_WIU; use System.Img_WIU;
with System.Val_Int; use System.Val_Int;
with System.Val_LLI; use System.Val_LLI;
with System.Val_LLU; use System.Val_LLU;
with System.Val_Real; use System.Val_Real;
with System.Val_Uns; use System.Val_Uns;
package body Ada.Text_IO.Aux is
-- Local Data --
Max_Num_Of_Files : constant := 60;
Line_Feed : constant Character := Ascii.Lf; -- Character'Val (16#0A#);
Nul : constant Character := Ascii.Nul; -- Character'Val (16#00#);
Page_Mark : constant Character := Ascii.Ff; -- Character'Val (16#0C#);
-- The term "file" here is used in the same way as in the Ada Reference
-- Manual, that is it refers to an object of some "file_type". Otherwise
-- "external file" is used.
Open_Files : array (1 .. Max_Num_Of_Files) of File_Type;
-- Used to make sure we don't open too many files and that we do not
-- open the same file twice.
Scanning_From_File : Boolean;
-- Determines if characters are read from a File (True) or String (False).
type Temp_File_Rec;
type Link is access Temp_File_Rec;
type Temp_File_Rec is record
File_Name : Pstring;
Next : Link;
end record;
Temp_Files : Link;
type Work_String_Type is array (0 .. 1023) of Character;
Work_String : Work_String_Type;
WS_Length : Natural := 0;
WS_Index1 : Natural := 0;
WS_Index2 : Natural := 0;
Tmp : String (1 .. 1024);
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Allocate_AFCB;
-- Determine which AFCB in the Open_Files table is available to be used
-- for the current file.
function Alpha (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate to test if Character argument is an upper or lower case
-- letter, returns True if the argument is a letter, False if not.
function Alphanum (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate to test if Character is an upper or lower case letter
-- or a digit. Returns True if the arguement is a letter or a digit,
-- False if not.
function Char1 return Character;
function Char2 return Character;
function Char3 return Character;
-- Obtain indicated character of lookahead
function Chars return Integer;
-- Obtain count field from file
procedure Check_Digit;
-- Assert that the next Character is a digit otherwise raise Data_Error.
procedure Check_Extended_Digit;
-- Assert that the next Character is an extended digit otherwise raise
-- Data_Error.
procedure Check_File_Open;
-- Check if the current file is open or not. If the file is not open,
-- then Status_Error is raised. Otherwise control returns normally.
procedure Check_Hash (C : Character);
-- Determine if next Character is matching hash, raise Data_Error if not.
-- Stores '#' in Work_String.
procedure Check_Multiple_File_Opens;
procedure Check_Opened_Ok;
-- Check that an Fopen succeeded, raise Name_Error if not
procedure Check_Status_And_Mode (C_Mode : File_Mode);
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
-- the file is open, then the mode is checked against the argument which
-- is the desired mode for the operation. If it does not match, then
-- Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control returns normally.
procedure Check_Status_And_Mode (C_Mode1, C_Mode2 : File_Mode);
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
-- the file is open, then the mode is checked against the arguments which
-- are the desired modes for the operation. If it does not match either
-- one of them, Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control returns normally.
procedure Close_File;
-- Close file and deallocate the AFCB back to the pool.
procedure Copy_Integer;
-- This procedure copies a string with the syntax of "based_Integer" from
-- the input to the Work_String. Underscores are allowed but not copied.
procedure Copy_Based_Integer;
-- This procedure copies a string with the syntax of "based_Integer" from
-- the input to the Work_String. Underscores are allowed but not copied.
procedure Copyc;
-- Copy the next input Character to Work_String using WS_Index2
function Digit (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate if C corresponds to the digits 0 thru 9.
function Extended_Digit (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate if C corresponds to the digits 0 thru 9 or letters A thru F.
function Graphic (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate to test if the Character is a Latin-1 graphic letter.
-- True if the argument is a Latin-1 graphic character, False otherwise.
function Getcp return Character;
-- Gets the next Character from the string or file being scanned according
-- to the setting of Scanning_From_File. In string mode, WS_Index1 is
-- updated. If no more Characters remain to be scanned, End_Error is
-- raised.
function Get_Char return Character;
-- Get the next character from the current text input file. If no
-- character is available, End_Error is raised.
function Is_Keyboard (F : Text_IO.File_Type) return Boolean;
-- Indicates whether the input represents a tty (keyboard) rather than
-- a stored file.
pragma Inline (Is_Keyboard);
procedure Make_Temp_File_Name;
-- Generate a unique file name and use it for the name of the current file.
function Nextc return Character;
-- Return the next Character to be read from the string file being
-- scanned, according to the setting of Scanning_From_File. In string
-- mode WS_Index1 is updated. If we are currently at the end of string
-- then a line feed is returned.
function Page_Is_Not_Terminated return Boolean;
-- Indicates whether the current page of current file is not terminated.
procedure Put_Blanks (N : Integer);
-- Write N blanks to the output. There is no check for line overflow, it
-- is assumed that the caller has already checked for this.
procedure Put_Buffer
(Width : Integer;
Pad_Type : Character;
Length : Integer);
-- Need documentation ???
procedure Put_Line1;
-- Outputs a line feed to the current text file
procedure Put_Page;
-- Write a page mark to current text file.
procedure Load_Look_Ahead (End_Of_File_Flag : Boolean);
-- This procedure loads the lookahead for a TEXT_IO input file, leaving
-- CHARS set to 3 (unless the file is less than 3 bytes long), and CHAR1
-- CHAR2 and CHAR3 containing the initial characters of the file. A special
-- exception occurs when the standard input file is the keyboard in which
-- case we only read 1 character because of interactive I/O except when
-- load_look_ahead is called in the case of END_OF_FILE where we want to
-- read 2 characters to check for the EOT character. The parameter to this
-- routine end_of_file_flag is TRUE when processing for and END_OF_FILE
-- situation and is FALSE otherwise.
procedure Range_Error;
-- Procedure called if scanned number is out of range.
function Scan_Based_Int (Base : Integer) return Integer;
-- Need documentation ???
procedure Scan_Blanks;
-- Routine to scan past leading blanks to find first non-blank.
-- Leaves WS_Index1 pointing to first non-blank character.
procedure Scan_Enum (Last : out Natural);
-- Procedure to scan an Ada enumeration literal, which maybe an identifier
-- or a character literal. The input may be from a file or from a string
-- depending the setting of the Scanning_From_File flag. The result is
-- stored in Work_String.
function Scan_Int return Integer;
-- This routine scans an Integer value from the string pointed by the
-- global Integer WS_Index2. On exit WS_Index2 is updated to point to
-- the first
-- non-digit. The result returned is always negative. This allows the
-- largest negative Integer value to be properly stored and converted.
-- A value of +1 returned indicated that overflow occured.
procedure Scan_Integer (Width : Integer; Result : out Integer);
-- Procedure to scan an Ada Integer value and return the Integer result
-- The parameter Width specifies the width of the field (zero means an
-- unlimited scan). The input is from the current TEXT_IO input file.
procedure Scan_Integer_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean; Result : out Integer);
-- Procedure to scan an Ada Integer value and return the Integer result.
function Scan_Float (Width : Natural) return LLF;
-- Procedure to scan an Ada float value and return the float result.
-- The width specifies the width of the field(zero = unlimited scan).
-- For this case, the input is from the current TEXT_IO input file.
function Scan_Float_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean) return LLF;
-- Procedure to scan an Ada float value and return the float result. The
-- parameter num_type is a pointer to the type template for the float type.
function Scan_Real_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean) return LLF;
-- Procedure to scan a real value and return the result as a double real.
-- A range exception is signalled if the value is out of range of allowed
-- Ada real values, but no other range check is made.
procedure Set_Char1 (Val : Character);
procedure Set_Char2 (Val : Character);
procedure Set_Char3 (Val : Character);
-- Set indicated character of lookahead to given character
procedure Set_Chars (Val : Integer);
-- Set count field of file to indicated value
procedure Setup_Fixed_Field (Width : Integer);
-- This procedure is used for numeric conversions where the field to be
-- scanned has a fixed width (i.e. width parameter is non-zero).
-- It acquires the field from the input file and copies it to Work_String.
-- It returns to the caller ready to scan the data from work_string.
function Sign (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Predicate indicating whether character C is '+' or '-'
procedure Skipc;
-- This procedure skips the next input Character.
procedure Test_Fixed_Field_End;
-- this procedure is called after scanning an item from a fixed length
-- field to ensure that only blanks remain in the field. An exception
-- is raised if there are any unexpected non-blank Characters left in
-- the field.
function Upper_Case (C : Character) return Character;
-- Converts character C to upper case if necessary
procedure Unimplemented (Message : String);
-- Output message for unimplemented feature
procedure Word_Mul
(A : Integer;
B : Integer;
O : out Boolean;
R : out Integer);
-- Multiply with overflow check (use until trapping arithmetic works).
procedure Word_Sub
(A : Integer;
B : Integer;
O : out Boolean;
R : out Integer);
-- Subtraction with overflow check (use until trapping arithmetic works)
-- Interface with system calls
procedure C_Fgetc
(F : Text_IO.File_Ptr;
C : out Character;
Is_Eof : out Boolean);
procedure Fclose (P : Text_IO.File_Ptr);
function Fopen (Name : String; Typ : File_Mode) return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
procedure Fputc (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr; C : Character);
function Isatty (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr) return Boolean;
function Stdin return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
function Stdout return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
function Stderr return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
procedure Unlink (Name : String);
-- Chars --
function Chars return Integer is
return The_File.Count;
end Chars;
-- Set_Chars --
procedure Set_Chars (Val : Integer) is
The_File.Count := Val;
end Set_Chars;
-- Char1 --
function Char1 return Character is
return The_File.Look_Ahead (1);
end Char1;
-- Set_Char1 --
procedure Set_Char1 (Val : Character) is
The_File.Look_Ahead (1) := Val;
end Set_Char1;
-- Char2 --
function Char2 return Character is
return The_File.Look_Ahead (2);
end Char2;
-- Set_Char2 --
procedure Set_Char2 (Val : Character) is
The_File.Look_Ahead (2) := Val;
end Set_Char2;
-- Char3 --
function Char3 return Character is
return The_File.Look_Ahead (3);
end Char3;
-- Set_Char3 --
procedure Set_Char3 (Val : Character) is
The_File.Look_Ahead (3) := Val;
end Set_Char3;
-- Create --
procedure Create
(File : in out File_Type;
Mode : in File_Mode := Out_File;
Name : in String := "";
Form : in String := "") is
The_File := File;
if The_File /= null then
raise Status_Error; -- File already open
elsif Mode = In_File then
raise Use_Error; -- Unsupported file access
end if;
The_File.Name := new String'(Name);
The_File.Form := new String'(Form);
The_File.Mode := Mode;
if Name'Length = 0 then
end if;
The_File.AFCB_In_Use := True;
The_File.Desc := Fopen (The_File.Name.all, Mode);
The_File.Page := 1;
The_File.Line := 1;
The_File.Col := 1;
The_File.Line_Length := 0;
The_File.Page_Length := 0;
File := The_File;
end Create;
-- Open --
procedure Open
(File : in out File_Type;
Mode : in File_Mode;
Name : in String;
Form : in String := "")
The_File := File;
if The_File /= null then
raise Status_Error; -- File already open
end if;
The_File.Name := new String'(Name);
The_File.Form := new String'(Form);
The_File.Mode := Mode;
if Name'Length = 0 then
end if;
The_File.AFCB_In_Use := True;
The_File.Desc := Fopen (Name, Mode);
if Mode = In_File then
Set_Chars (0);
end if;
The_File.Page := 1;
The_File.Line := 1;
The_File.Col := 1;
The_File.Line_Length := 0;
The_File.Page_Length := 0;
The_File.Is_Keyboard := False;
File := The_File;
end Open;
-- Close --
procedure Close (File : in out File_Type) is
The_File := File;
if The_File.Mode = Out_File or else The_File.Mode = Append_File then
-- Simulate effect of NEW_PAGE unless current page is terminated
if Page_Is_Not_Terminated then
if The_File.Col > 1
or else (The_File.Col = 1 and then The_File.Line = 1)
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If the file being closed is one of the default files, set the default
-- file indicator to null to indicate that the file is closed.
if The_File = Current_In then
Current_In := null;
elsif The_File = Current_Out then
Current_Out := null;
elsif The_File = Current_Err then
Current_Err := null;
end if;
-- Sever the association between the given file and its associated
-- external file. The given file is left closed. Do not perform system
-- closes on the standard input, output and error files.
if The_File /= Standard_In
and then The_File /= Standard_Out
and then The_File /= Standard_Err
end if;
The_File := null;
File := The_File;
end Close;
-- Delete --
procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type) is
File_Name_To_Delete : Pstring;
The_File := File;
File_Name_To_Delete := new String'(The_File.Name.all);
Close (The_File);
Unlink (File_Name_To_Delete.all);
File := The_File;
end Delete;
-- Reset --
procedure Reset
(File : in out File_Type;
Mode : in File_Mode)
The_File := File;
if (The_File = Current_In
or else The_File = Current_Out
or else The_File = Current_Err)
and then The_File.Mode /= Mode
raise Mode_Error; -- "Cannot change mode"
end if;
if The_File.Mode = Out_File or else The_File.Mode = Append_File then
-- Simulate NEW_PAGE unless current page already terminated
if Page_Is_Not_Terminated then
if The_File.Col > 1
or else (The_File.Col = 1 and then The_File.Line = 1)
end if;
end if;
end if;
Fclose (The_File.Desc);
The_File.Desc := Fopen (The_File.Name.all, Mode);
if Mode /= In_File then
The_File.Line_Length := 0;
The_File.Page_Length := 0;
end if;
The_File.Mode := Mode;
Set_Chars (0);
The_File.Col := 1;
The_File.Line := 1;
The_File.Page := 1;
File := The_File;
end Reset;
-- Mode --
function Mode (File : in File_Type) return File_Mode is
The_File := File;
return The_File.Mode;
end Mode;
-- Name --
function Name (File : in File_Type) return String is
The_File := File;
return The_File.Name.all;
end Name;
-- Form --
function Form (File : in File_Type) return String is
The_File := File;
return The_File.Form.all;
end Form;
-- Is_Open --
function Is_Open (File : in File_Type) return Boolean is
The_File := File;
return The_File /= null;
end Is_Open;
-- Set_Input --
procedure Set_Input (File : in File_Type) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Current_In := The_File;
end Set_Input;
-- Set_Output --
procedure Set_Output (File : in File_Type) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
Current_Out := The_File;
end Set_Output;
-- Set_Error --
procedure Set_Error (File : in File_Type) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
Current_Err := The_File;
end Set_Error;
-- Standard_Input --
function Standard_Input return File_Type is
return Standard_In;
end Standard_Input;
-- Standard_Output --
function Standard_Output return File_Type is
return Standard_Out;
end Standard_Output;
-- Standard_Error --
function Standard_Error return File_Type is
return Standard_Err;
end Standard_Error;
-- Current_Input --
function Current_Input return File_Type is
return Current_In;
end Current_Input;
-- Current_Output --
function Current_Output return File_Type is
return Current_Out;
end Current_Output;
-- Current_Error --
function Current_Error return File_Type is
return Current_Err;
end Current_Error;
-- Set_Line_Length --
procedure Set_Line_Length (File : in File_Type; To : in Count) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
The_File.Line_Length := To;
end Set_Line_Length;
-- Line_Length --
function Line_Length (File : in File_Type) return Count is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
return The_File.Line_Length;
end Line_Length;
-- Set_Page_Length --
procedure Set_Page_Length (File : in File_Type; To : in Count) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
The_File.Page_Length := To;
end Set_Page_Length;
-- Page_Length --
function Page_Length (File : in File_Type) return Count is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
return The_File.Page_Length;
end Page_Length;
-- New_Line --
procedure New_Line
(File : in File_Type;
Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1)
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
for J in 1 .. Spacing loop
end loop;
end New_Line;
-- Skip_Line --
procedure Skip_Line
(File : in File_Type;
Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1)
C : Character;
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
for J in 1 .. Spacing loop
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
exit when Get_Char = Line_Feed;
end loop;
-- Ignore page marks when reading from a terminal.
if Is_Keyboard (The_File) then
end if;
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
exit when Char1 /= Page_Mark;
C := Get_Char;
end loop;
end loop;
end Skip_Line;
-- End_Of_Line --
function End_Of_Line (File : in File_Type) return boolean is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
return Chars = 0 or else Char1 = Line_Feed;
end End_Of_Line;
-- New_Page --
procedure New_Page (File : in File_Type) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
if The_File.Col > 1
or else (The_File.Col = 1 and then The_File.Line = 1)
end if;
end New_Page;
-- Skip_Page --
procedure Skip_Page (File : in File_Type) is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
while Get_Char /= Page_Mark loop
end loop;
end Skip_Page;
-- End_Of_Page --
function End_Of_Page (File : in File_Type) return Boolean is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
if Is_Keyboard (The_File) then
return False;
end if;
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
if Chars > 1 then
return Char1 = Line_Feed and then Char2 = Page_Mark;
elsif Chars = 1 then
return Char1 = Line_Feed;
return True;
end if;
end End_Of_Page;
-- End_Of_File --
function End_Of_File (File : in File_Type) return Boolean is
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Load_Look_Ahead (True);
if Is_Keyboard (The_File) then
if Chars = 2 then
return False;
elsif Chars = 1 then
return Char1 = Line_Feed;
elsif Chars = 0 then
return True;
end if;
if Chars = 2 then
return Char1 = Line_Feed and then Char2 = Page_Mark;
elsif Chars = 1 then
return Char1 = Line_Feed;
elsif Chars = 0 then
return True;
else -- Chars = 3
return False;
end if;
end if;
end End_Of_File;
-- Set_Col --
procedure Set_Col (File : in File_Type; To : in Positive_Count) is
C : Character;
The_File := File;
if The_File.Mode = In_File then
-- SET_COL for file of mode In_File
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
while The_File.Col /= To
or else Char1 = Line_Feed
or else Char1 = Page_Mark
C := Get_Char;
end loop;
-- SET_COL for file of mode Out_File or Append_File
if The_File.Line_Length > 0
and then To > The_File.Line_Length
raise Layout_Error; -- "SET_COL past end of line"
end if;
if To > The_File.Col then
Put_Blanks (Integer (To - The_File.Col));
The_File.Col := To;
elsif To < The_File.Col then
Put_Blanks (Integer (To - 1));
The_File.Col := To;
end if;
end if;
end Set_Col;
-- Set_Line --
procedure Set_Line (File : in File_Type; To : in Positive_Count) is
C : Character;
The_File := File;
if The_File.Mode = In_File then
-- SET_LINE for file of mode In_File
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
while The_File.Line /= To
or else Char1 = Page_Mark
C := Get_Char;
end loop;
-- SET_LINE for file of mode Out_File or Append_File
if The_File.Page_Length > 0
and then To > The_File.Page_Length
raise Layout_Error; -- "Set_Line > Page_Length"
end if;
if To > The_File.Line then
for I in 1 .. To - The_File.Line loop
end loop;
elsif To < The_File.Line then
if The_File.Col > 1
or else (The_File.Col = 1 and then The_File.Line = 1)
end if;
for J in 1 .. To - 1 loop
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end Set_Line;
-- Col --
function Col (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count is
The_File := File;
if The_File.Col > Count'Last then
raise Layout_Error; -- "Col > Count'Last"
end if;
return The_File.Col;
end Col;
-- Line --
function Line (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count is
The_File := File;
if The_File.Line > Count'Last then
raise Layout_Error; -- "Line > Count'Last"
end if;
return The_File.Line;
end Line;
-- Page --
function Page (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count is
The_File := File;
if The_File.Page > Count'Last then
raise Layout_Error; -- "Page > Count'Last"
end if;
return The_File.Page;
end Page;
-- Get --
procedure Get (Item : out Character) is
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Item := Get_Char;
exit when Item /= Page_Mark and then Item /= Line_Feed;
end loop;
end Get;
-- Put --
procedure Put (Item : in Character) is
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
if The_File.Line_Length /= 0
and then The_File.Col > The_File.Line_Length
end if;
Fputc (The_File.Desc, Item);
The_File.Col := The_File.Col + 1;
end Put;
-- Get --
procedure Get (Item : out String) is
J : Integer := 0;
C : Character;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
while J < Item'Length loop
C := Get_Char;
if C /= Line_Feed and then C /= Page_Mark then
Item (Item'First + J) := C;
J := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end Get;
-- Put --
procedure Put (Item : in String) is
for J in Item'Range loop
Put (Item (J));
end loop;
end Put;
-- Put_Line --
procedure Put_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in String) is
The_File := File;
Put (Item);
New_Line (File, 1);
end Put_Line;
-- Get_Line --
procedure Get_Line
(File : in File_Type;
Item : out String;
Last : out Natural)
I_Length : Integer := Item'Length;
Nstore : Integer := 0;
The_File := File;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
exit when Nstore = I_Length;
if Char1 = Line_Feed then
Skip_Line (File, 1);
end if;
Item (Item'First + Nstore) := Get_Char;
Nstore := Nstore + 1;
end loop;
Last := Item'First + Nstore - 1;
end Get_Line;
-- Get_Int --
procedure Get_Int
(Item : out Integer;
Width : in Field := 0)
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Scan_Integer (Width, Item);
end Get_Int;
-- Put_Integer --
procedure Put_Integer
(Item : in Integer;
Width : in Field;
Base : in Number_Base)
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := 0;
if Base = 10 and then Width = 0 then
Set_Image_Integer (Item, Tmp, WS_Length);
elsif Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Integer (Item, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
Set_Image_Based_Integer (Item, Base, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
end if;
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Work_String (J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
Put_Buffer (Width, 'L', WS_Length);
end Put_Integer;
-- Put_LLI --
procedure Put_LLI
(Item : in LLI;
Width : in Field;
Base : in Number_Base)
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := 0;
if Base = 10 and then Width = 0 then
Set_Image_Long_Long_Integer (Item, Tmp, WS_Length);
elsif Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Long_Long_Integer (Item, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
Set_Image_Based_Long_Long_Integer (Item, Base, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
end if;
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Work_String (J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
Put_Buffer (Width, 'L', WS_Length);
end Put_LLI;
-- Get_LLI --
procedure Get_LLI
(From : in String;
Item : out LLI;
Last : out Positive;
Size : in Positive)
Pos : aliased Integer := From'First;
if Size > Integer'Size then
Item := Scan_Long_Long_Integer (From, Pos'Access, From'Last);
Item := LLI (Scan_Integer (From, Pos'Access, From'Last));
end if;
Last := Pos - 1;
when Constraint_Error =>
if Pos > From'Last then
raise End_Error;
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Get_LLI;
-- Get_LLU --
procedure Get_LLU
(From : in String;
Item : out LLU;
Last : out Positive;
Size : in Positive)
Pos : aliased Integer := From'First;
if Size > Unsigned'Size then
Item := Scan_Long_Long_Unsigned (From, Pos'Access, From'Last);
Item := LLU (Scan_Unsigned (From, Pos'Access, From'Last));
end if;
Last := Pos - 1;
when Constraint_Error =>
if Pos > From'Last then
raise End_Error;
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Get_LLU;
-- Put_Integer --
procedure Put_Integer
(To : out String;
Item : in Integer;
Base : in Number_Base)
Length : Natural := 0;
To_Len : Natural := To'Length;
if Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Integer (Item, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
Set_Image_Based_Integer (Item, Base, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
end if;
if Length > To_Len then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Length loop
To (To'First + J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
end Put_Integer;
-- Put_LLI --
procedure Put_LLI
(To : out String;
Item : in LLI;
Base : in Number_Base)
Length : Natural := 0;
To_Len : Natural := To'Length;
if Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Long_Long_Integer (Item, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
Set_Image_Based_Long_Long_Integer (Item, Base, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
end if;
if Length > To_Len then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Length loop
To (To'First + J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
end Put_LLI;
-- Put_Unsigned --
procedure Put_Unsigned
(Item : in Unsigned;
Width : in Field;
Base : in Number_Base)
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := 0;
if Base = 10 and then Width = 0 then
Set_Image_Unsigned (Item, Tmp, WS_Length);
elsif Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Unsigned (Item, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
Set_Image_Based_Unsigned (Item, Base, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
end if;
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Work_String (J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
Put_Buffer (Width, 'L', WS_Length);
end Put_Unsigned;
-- Put_LLU --
procedure Put_LLU
(Item : in LLU;
Width : in Field;
Base : in Number_Base)
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := 0;
if Base = 10 and then Width = 0 then
Set_Image_Long_Long_Unsigned (Item, Tmp, WS_Length);
elsif Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Long_Long_Unsigned (Item, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
(Item, Base, Width, Tmp, WS_Length);
end if;
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Work_String (J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
Put_Buffer (Width, 'L', WS_Length);
end Put_LLU;
-- Put_Unsigned --
procedure Put_Unsigned
(To : out String;
Item : in Unsigned;
Base : in Number_Base)
Length : Natural := 0;
To_Len : Natural := To'Length;
if Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Unsigned (Item, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
Set_Image_Based_Unsigned (Item, Base, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
end if;
if Length > To_Len then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Length loop
To (To'First + J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
end Put_Unsigned;
-- Put_LLU --
procedure Put_LLU
(To : out String;
Item : in LLU;
Base : in Number_Base)
Length : Natural := 0;
To_Len : Natural := To'Length;
if Base = 10 then
Set_Image_Width_Long_Long_Unsigned (Item, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
Set_Image_Based_Long_Long_Unsigned (Item, Base, To_Len, Tmp, Length);
end if;
if Length > To_Len then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Length loop
To (To'First + J - 1) := Tmp (J);
end loop;
end Put_LLU;
-- Get_Float --
procedure Get_Float
(Item : out LLF;
Width : in Field)
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Item := Scan_Float (Width);
end Get_Float;
-- Put_Float --
procedure Put_Float
(Item : in LLF;
Fore : in Field;
Aft : in Field;
Exp : in Field)
Temp : String (1 .. 1024);
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := 0;
Set_Image_Real (Item, Temp, WS_Length, Fore, Aft, Exp);
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Work_String (J - 1) := Temp (J);
end loop;
Put_Buffer (WS_Length, 'L', WS_Length);
end Put_Float;
-- Get_Float --
procedure Get_Float
(From : in String;
Item : out LLF;
Last : out Positive)
Pos : aliased Natural := From'First;
Item := Scan_Real (From, Pos'Access, From'Last);
Last := Pos - 1;
when Constraint_Error =>
if Pos > From'Last then
raise End_Error;
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Get_Float;
-- Put_Float --
procedure Put_Float
(To : out String;
Item : in LLF;
Aft : in Field;
Exp : in Field)
Length : Natural := 0;
To_Len : Natural := To'Length;
Temp : String (1 .. 1024);
-- ??? what is the 1024 here? should be symbolic
Set_Image_Real (Item, Temp, Length, 0, Aft, Exp);
if Length > To_Len then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
for J in 0 .. To_Len - Length - 1 loop
To (To'First + J) := ' ';
end loop;
for J in 1 .. Length loop
To (To'First + J - 1 + To_Len - Length) := Temp (J);
end loop;
end Put_Float;
-- Get_Enum --
procedure Get_Enum (Str : out String; Len : out Positive) is
Last : Natural;
Check_Status_And_Mode (In_File);
Scanning_From_File := True;
Scan_Enum (Last);
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Str (J) := Upper_Case (Work_String (J - 1));
end loop;
Len := WS_Length;
end Get_Enum;
-- Get_Enum --
procedure Get_Enum
(Str : out String;
From : in String;
Len : out Positive;
Last : out Positive)
WS_Length := From'Length;
for J in 0 .. WS_Length - 1 loop
Work_String (J) := From (From'First + J);
end loop;
WS_Index1 := 0;
Scanning_From_File := False;
Scan_Enum (Last);
Last := From'First + Last - 1;
for J in 1 .. WS_Length loop
Str (J) := Upper_Case (Work_String (J - 1));
end loop;
Len := WS_Length;
end Get_Enum;
-- Put_Enum --
procedure Put_Enum
(Item : in String;
Width : in Field;
Set : in Type_Set)
C : Character;
Check_Status_And_Mode (Out_File, Append_File);
WS_Length := Item'Length;
for J in 0 .. WS_Length - 1 loop
C := Item (Item'First + J);
-- This is wrong, must use proper casing stuff in strings packages
-- ???
if Set = Lower_Case and then C in 'A' .. 'Z' then
Work_String (J) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32);
Work_String (J) := C;
end if;
end loop;
Put_Buffer (Width, 'T', WS_Length);
end Put_Enum;
-- Put_Enum --
procedure Put_Enum
(To : out String;
Item : in String;
Set : in Type_Set)
Length : Integer := Item'Length;
C : Character;
if Length > To'Length then
raise Layout_Error;
for J in 0 .. Length - 1 loop
C := Item (Item'First + J);
-- This is wrong, must use proper casing stuff in strings
-- packages ???
if Set = Lower_Case and then C in 'A' .. 'Z' then
To (To'First + J) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32);
To (To'First + J) := C;
end if;
end loop;
for J in Length .. To'Length - 1 loop
To (To'First + J) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end Put_Enum;
-- Put_Page --
procedure Put_Page is
Fputc (The_File.Desc, Page_Mark);
The_File.Page := The_File.Page + 1;
The_File.Line := 1;
The_File.Col := 1;
end Put_Page;
-- Put_Line1 --
procedure Put_Line1 is
Fputc (The_File.Desc, Line_Feed);
The_File.Col := 1;
if The_File.Page_Length > 0
and The_File.Line >= The_File.Page_Length
The_File.Line := The_File.Line + 1;
end if;
end Put_Line1;
-- Check_Opened_Ok --
procedure Check_Opened_Ok is
if The_File.Desc = File_Ptr (Null_Address) then
raise Name_Error; -- Error opening file due to invalid name
end if;
end Check_Opened_Ok;
-- Check_File_Open --
procedure Check_File_Open is
-- There are two ways a file can appear closed. Either it is null
-- which indicates that it was not used as an argument of an Open_Create
-- call or it is not null but its Is_Open field is False which indicates
-- that the file was used in an Open/Create but subsequently was closed.
if The_File = null then
raise Status_Error; -- File not open
end if;
end Check_File_Open;
-- Check_Status_And_Mode --
procedure Check_Status_And_Mode (C_Mode : File_Mode) is
if The_File.Mode /= C_Mode then
raise Mode_Error;
end if;
end Check_Status_And_Mode;
-- Check_Status_And_Mode --
procedure Check_Status_And_Mode (C_Mode1, C_Mode2 : File_Mode) is
if The_File.Mode /= C_Mode1 and then The_File.Mode /= C_Mode2 then
raise Mode_Error;
end if;
end Check_Status_And_Mode;
-- Allocate_AFCB --
procedure Allocate_AFCB is
File_Num : Integer := Open_Files'First;
-- Loop through the array of AFCBs stopping at the first vacate spot
-- that is not currently being used.
while File_Num <= Max_Num_Of_Files
and then Open_Files (File_Num) /= null
and then Open_Files (File_Num).AFCB_In_Use
File_Num := File_Num + 1;
end loop;
-- No vacant spots were available since too many file are open
if File_Num > Max_Num_Of_Files then
raise Use_Error; -- Too many files open
end if;
if Open_Files (File_Num) = null then
Open_Files (File_Num) := new AFCB;
end if;
The_File := Open_Files (File_Num);
end Allocate_AFCB;
-- Make_Temp_File_Name --
procedure Make_Temp_File_Name is
Temp_File_Name : String (1 .. 14);
-- The template for temporary file name creation using Mktemp.
procedure mktemp (S : Address);
pragma Import (C, mktemp);
-- mktemp creates a unique temporary file name given the address of
-- a null terminated template.
-- Create a template string which the call to mktemp will fill in to
-- generate unique name file name.
Temp_File_Name (1 .. 13) := "ADATEMPXXXXXX";
Temp_File_Name (14) := Ascii.Nul;
mktemp (Temp_File_Name'Address);
The_File.Name := new String'(Temp_File_Name (1 .. 13));
-- Append the name of the temporary file to the beginning of the
-- Temp_File list which will be used for deleting all the temporary
-- files after completion of the main program.
Temp_Files := new Temp_File_Rec'(The_File.Name, Temp_Files);
end Make_Temp_File_Name;
-- Check_Multiple_File_Opens --
procedure Check_Multiple_File_Opens is
-- Allow a several opens to read an external file, but not one open to
-- read and another open to write a external file.
for J in Open_Files'Range loop
if Open_Files (J) /= null and then Open_Files (J).AFCB_In_Use then
if The_File.Name.all = Open_Files (J).Name.all
and then (The_File.Mode /= In_File
or else Open_Files (J).Mode /= In_File)
raise Use_Error; -- File already open
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Check_Multiple_File_Opens;
-- Page_Is_Not_Terminated --
function Page_Is_Not_Terminated return Boolean is
return not (The_File.Col = 1
and then The_File.Line = 1
and then The_File.Page /= 1);
end Page_Is_Not_Terminated;
-- Close_File --
procedure Close_File is
procedure Fclose (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr);
pragma Import (C, fclose);
File_Num : Integer := Open_Files'First;
while File_Num <= Max_Num_Of_Files
and then Open_Files (File_Num) /= The_File
File_Num := File_Num + 1;
end loop;
if File_Num > Max_Num_Of_Files then
raise Status_Error;
end if;
Fclose (The_File.Desc);
The_File.AFCB_In_Use := False;
end Close_File;
-- Load_Look_Ahead --
procedure Load_Look_Ahead (End_Of_File_Flag : Boolean) is
C : Character;
Is_Eof : Boolean;
-- Load first character of look ahead
if Chars = 0 then
Set_Char2 (Nul);
Set_Char3 (Nul);
C_Fgetc (The_File.Desc, C, Is_Eof);
if Is_Eof then
Set_Char1 (Nul);
Set_Char1 (C);
Set_Chars (1);
end if;
end if;
-- In the case where reading from the keyboard do not read more than
-- 1 character unless you are processing an end_of_file test.
if Is_Keyboard (The_File) and then not End_Of_File_Flag then
end if;
-- Load second character of look ahead
if Chars = 1 then
Set_Char3 (Nul);
C_Fgetc (The_File.Desc, C, Is_Eof);
if Is_Eof then
Set_Char2 (Nul);
Set_Char2 (C);
Set_Chars (2);
end if;
end if;
-- Leave lookahead with at most two characters loaded if standard
-- input is the keyboard.
if not Is_Keyboard (The_File) then
-- Load third character of look ahead
if Chars = 2 then
C_Fgetc (The_File.Desc, C, Is_Eof);
if Is_Eof then
Set_Char3 (Nul);
Set_Char3 (C);
Set_Chars (3);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Load_Look_Ahead;
-- Get_Char --
function Get_Char return Character is
C : Character;
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
if Chars = 0 then
raise End_Error; -- End of file on TEXT_IO input
end if;
C := Char1;
-- Update lookahead
Set_Char1 (Char2);
Set_Char2 (Char3);
Set_Char3 (Nul);
Set_Chars (Chars - 1);
-- Update PAGE and LINE counters if page mark or line feed read
if C = Page_Mark then
The_File.Page := The_File.Page + 1;
The_File.Line := 1;
The_File.Col := 1;
elsif C = Line_Feed then
The_File.Line := The_File.Line + 1;
The_File.Col := 1;
The_File.Col := The_File.Col + 1;
end if;
return C;
end Get_Char;
-- Upper_Case --
function Upper_Case (C : Character) return Character is
V : constant Integer := 32;
if C in 'a' .. 'z' then
return Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) - V);
return C;
end if;
end Upper_Case;
-- Word_Sub --
procedure Word_Sub
(A : Integer;
B : Integer;
O : out Boolean;
R : out Integer)
R := A - B;
O := ((A < 0 and then B > 0) or else (A > 0 and then B < 0))
and then ((A < 0 and then R > 0) or else (A > 0 and then R < 0));
end Word_Sub;
-- Word_Mul --
procedure Word_Mul
(A : Integer;
B : Integer;
O : out Boolean;
R : out Integer)
if A /= 0 then
R := A * B;
O := (B /= R / A) or else (A = -1 and then B < 0 and then R < 0);
R := 0;
O := False;
end if;
end Word_Mul;
-- Put_Blanks --
procedure Put_Blanks (N : Integer) is
for J in 1 .. N loop
Fputc (The_File.Desc, ' ');
end loop;
end Put_Blanks;
-- Put_Buffer --
procedure Put_Buffer
(Width : Integer;
Pad_Type : Character;
Length : Integer)
Pad : Character := Pad_Type;
Target_Length : Integer;
if Length >= Width then
Target_Length := Length;
Pad := ' ';
Target_Length := Width;
end if;
-- Ensure the buffer size does not exceed the line length
if The_File.Line_Length > 0 then
if Count (Target_Length) > The_File.Line_Length then
raise Layout_Error; -- "Line too big"
-- New line if does not fit on current line
elsif The_File.Col +
Count (Target_Length) - 1 > The_File.Line_Length
end if;
end if;
-- Output data with the required padding
if Pad = 'L' then
Put_Blanks (Width - Length);
end if;
for N in 0 .. Length - 1 loop
Fputc (The_File.Desc, Work_String (N));
end loop;
The_File.Col := The_File.Col + Count (Target_Length);
if Pad = 'T' then
Put_Blanks (Width - Length);
end if;
end Put_Buffer;
-- Getcp --
function Getcp return Character is
C : Character;
if Scanning_From_File then
return Get_Char;
if WS_Index1 > WS_Length then
raise End_Error;
end if;
WS_Index1 := WS_Index1 + 1;
return Work_String (WS_Index1);
end if;
end Getcp;
-- Nextc --
function Nextc return Character is
if Scanning_From_File then
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
return Char1;
if WS_Index1 < WS_Length then
return Work_String (WS_Index1);
return Line_Feed;
end if;
end if;
end Nextc;
-- Skipc --
procedure Skipc is
C : Character;
if Scanning_From_File then
C := Get_Char;
WS_Index1 := WS_Index1 + 1;
end if;
end Skipc;
-- Copyc --
procedure Copyc is
C : Character;
if Scanning_From_File then
C := Get_Char;
if WS_Index1 > WS_Length then
raise Program_Error;
C := Work_String (WS_Index1);
WS_Index1 := WS_Index1 + 1;
end if;
end if;
Work_String (WS_Index2) := Upper_Case (C);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end Copyc;
-- Copy_Integer --
procedure Copy_Integer is
while Digit (Nextc) loop
if Nextc = '_' then
end if;
end loop;
end Copy_Integer;
-- Copy_Based_Integer --
procedure Copy_Based_Integer is
while Extended_Digit (Nextc) loop
if Nextc = '_' then
end if;
end loop;
end Copy_Based_Integer;
-- Scan_Blanks --
procedure Scan_Blanks is
C : Character;
if Scanning_From_File then
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
if Chars = 0 then
raise End_Error;
end if;
C := Nextc;
if C = ' '
or else C = Ascii.HT
or else C = Line_Feed
or else C = Page_Mark
C := Getcp;
end if;
end loop;
while WS_Index1 <= WS_Length - 1 loop
if Work_String (WS_Index1) = ' '
or else Work_String (WS_Index1) = Ascii.HT
WS_Index1 := WS_Index1 + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Scan_Blanks;
-- Setup_Fixed_Field --
procedure Setup_Fixed_Field (Width : Integer) is
J : Integer := 0;
Load_Look_Ahead (False);
if Width /= J
and then Chars /= 0
and then Char1 /= Page_Mark
and then Char1 /= Line_Feed
Work_String (J) := Get_Char;
J := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
WS_Length := J;
Scanning_From_File := False;
WS_Index1 := 0;
end Setup_Fixed_Field;
-- Test_Fixed_Field_End --
procedure Test_Fixed_Field_End is
if WS_Index1 < WS_Length then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Test_Fixed_Field_End;
-- Alpha --
function Alpha (C : Character) return Boolean is
return C in 'A' .. 'Z' or else C in 'a' .. 'z';
end Alpha;
-- Alphanum --
function Alphanum (C : Character) return Boolean is
return Alpha (C) or else C in '0' .. '9';
end Alphanum;
-- Graphic --
function Graphic (C : Character) return Boolean is
return Character'Pos (C) in 16#20# .. 16#7E#
or else Character'Pos (C) in 16#A0# .. 16#FF#;
end Graphic;
-- Digit --
function Digit (C : Character) return Boolean is
return C in '0' .. '9';
end Digit;
-- Extended_Digit --
function Extended_Digit (C : Character) return Boolean is
return C in '0' .. '9' or else C in 'a' .. 'f' or else C in 'A' .. 'F';
end Extended_Digit;
-- Sign --
function Sign (C : Character) return Boolean is
return C = '-' or C = '+';
end Sign;
-- Check_Digit --
procedure Check_Digit is
if not (Nextc in '0' .. '9') then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Check_Digit;
-- Check_Hash --
procedure Check_Hash (C : Character) is
if Nextc /= C then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
Work_String (WS_Index2) := '#';
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end Check_Hash;
-- Check_Extended_Digit --
procedure Check_Extended_Digit is
if not Extended_Digit (Nextc) then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
end Check_Extended_Digit;
-- Range_Error --
procedure Range_Error is
raise Data_Error;
end Range_Error;
-- Scan_Int --
function Scan_Int return Integer is
Ival : Integer := 0;
Digit_Value : Integer;
Overflow1 : Boolean;
Overflow2 : Boolean;
while WS_Index2 < WS_Length
and then Digit (Work_String (WS_Index2))
Digit_Value := Character'Pos (Work_String (WS_Index2))
- Character'Pos ('0');
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Word_Mul (Ival, 10, Overflow1, Ival);
Word_Sub (Ival, Digit_Value, Overflow2, Ival);
if Overflow1 or else Overflow2 then
while WS_Index2 < WS_Length
and then Digit (Work_String (WS_Index2))
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end loop;
return 1;
end if;
end loop;
return Ival;
end Scan_Int;
-- Scan_Based_Int --
-- This routine scans a based Integer value fromt the string pointed by
-- the global Integer WS_Index2. On exit WS_Index2 is updated to point
-- to the first non-digit. The result returned is always negative. This
-- allows the largest negative Integer value to be properly stored and
-- converted. If overflow is detected, then the value +1 is returned to
-- signal overflow.
function Scan_Based_Int (Base : Integer) return Integer is
Ival : Integer := 0;
Digit_Value : Integer;
Overflow1 : Boolean;
Overflow2 : Boolean;
while WS_Index2 < WS_Length
and then Extended_Digit (Work_String (WS_Index2))
Word_Mul (Ival, Base, Overflow1, Ival);
Digit_Value := Character'Pos (Work_String (WS_Index2))
- Character'Pos ('0');
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
if Digit_Value > 9 then
Digit_Value := Digit_Value - 7;
end if;
if Digit_Value >= Base then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
Word_Sub (Ival, Digit_Value, Overflow2, Ival);
if Overflow1 or else Overflow2 then
while WS_Index2 < WS_Length
and then Extended_Digit (Work_String (WS_Index2))
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end loop;
return 1;
end if;
end loop;
return Ival;
end Scan_Based_Int;
-- Scan_Integer_Val --
procedure Scan_Integer_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean; Result : out Integer) is
Ival : Integer;
Sign_Val : Character;
C : Character;
Base : Integer;
Based : Boolean;
Exponent : Integer;
Overflow : Boolean;
-- First scan out item with the proper syntax and put it in Work_String
WS_Index2 := 0;
if Sign (Nextc) then
end if;
C := Nextc;
if C = '#' or else C = ':' then
Work_String (WS_Index2) := '#';
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Check_Hash (C);
Based := True;
Based := False;
end if;
C := Nextc;
if C = 'e' or else C = 'E' then
C := Nextc;
if C = '+' or else C = '-' then
end if;
if C = '-' then
raise Data_Error; -- Negative exponent in integer value
end if;
end if;
if Fixed_Field then
end if;
WS_Length := WS_Index2;
Work_String (WS_Index2) := ' ';
-- Now we have the Integer literal stored in Work_String
WS_Index2 := 0;
if Sign (Work_String (WS_Index2)) then
Sign_Val := Work_String (WS_Index2);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Sign_Val := '+';
end if;
if Based then
Base := -Scan_Int;
if not (Base in 2 .. 16) then
raise Data_Error;
end if;
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Ival := Scan_Based_Int (Base);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Ival := Scan_Int;
Base := 10;
end if;
-- Number is in Ival (in negative form), deal with exponent.
if Ival = 1 then
end if;
if Work_String (WS_Index2) = 'E' then
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Exponent := Scan_Int;
if Exponent < -64 or else Exponent = 1 then
end if;
while Exponent /= 0 loop
Exponent := Exponent + 1;
Word_Mul (Ival, Base, Overflow, Ival);
if Overflow then
end if;
end loop;
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end if;
if Sign_Val = '+' then
Ival := -Ival;
if Ival < 0 then
end if;
end if;
Result := Ival;
end Scan_Integer_Val;
-- Scan_Integer --
procedure Scan_Integer (Width : Integer; Result : out Integer) is
if Width /= 0 then
Setup_Fixed_Field (Width);
if WS_Index1 = WS_Length then
raise Data_Error; -- String is all blanks
end if;
Scan_Integer_Val (True, Result);
Scanning_From_File := True;
Scan_Integer_Val (False, Result);
end if;
end Scan_Integer;
-- Scan_Real_Val --
-- Procedure to scan a real value and return the result as a double real.
-- A range exception is signalled if the value is out of range of allowed
-- Ada real values, but no other range check is made.
function Scan_Real_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean) return LLF is
Base : Integer; -- base as integer
Based : Boolean; -- True if number is based
Before_Point : Boolean; -- True if before decimal point
C : Character; -- character scanned
Dbase : LLF; -- base as real
Dig : Integer; -- next digit value
Ddig : LLF; -- next digit as real
Dval : LLF; -- value being scanned
Exp_Sign_Val : Character; -- sign of exponent
Fraction : LLF; -- power of ten fraction after decimal pt
Sign_Val : Character; -- sign of mantissa
Exponent : Integer; -- value of exponent
-- First scan out item with the proper syntax and put it in work_string
WS_Index2 := 0;
if Sign (Nextc) then
end if;
C := Nextc;
if C = '#' or else C = ':' then
Work_String (WS_Index2) := '#';
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
if Nextc /= '.' then
raise Data_Error; -- missing period in real value
end if;
Check_Hash (C);
Based := True;
Based := False;
if Nextc /= '.' then
raise Data_Error; -- Missing period in real value
end if;
end if;
C := Nextc;
if C = 'e' or else C = 'E' then
C := Nextc;
if Sign (Nextc) then
end if;
end if;
if Fixed_Field then
end if;
WS_Length := WS_Index2;
-- Now we have the real literal stored in work_string, so prepare to
-- convert the value, dealing first with setting the proper sign. Note
-- that we can assume that the syntax of the literal is correct since
-- we did all the checking above as we scanned it out.
WS_Index2 := 0;
if Sign (Work_String (WS_Index2)) then
Sign_Val := Work_String (WS_Index2);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Sign_Val := '+';
end if;
-- Acquire the proper base value. Note that scan_int returns the
-- negative of the value scanned, with +1 indicating overflow which
-- will be invalid.
if Based then
Base := Scan_Int;
if Base not in -16 .. -2 then
raise Data_Error; -- Invalid base
end if;
Base := -Base;
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Base := 10;
end if;
Dbase := LLF (Base);
-- Scan and convert digits
Dval := 0.0;
Before_Point := True;
exit when WS_Index2 = WS_Length;
if Work_String (WS_Index2) = '#' then
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
end if;
exit when (not Based) and then Work_String (WS_Index2) = 'E';
C := Work_String (WS_Index2);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
if C = '.' then
Before_Point := False;
Fraction := 1.0;
Dig := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
-- Convert hex digit
if Dig > 9 then
Dig := Dig - 7;
end if;
if Dig > Base then
raise Data_Error; -- Digit > Base
end if;
Ddig := LLF (Dig);
if Before_Point then
Dval := Dval * Dbase + Ddig;
-- ???
-- if Dval > ADA_MAX_REAL then
-- Range_Error;
-- end if;
Fraction := Fraction / LLF (Base);
Dval := Dval + Ddig * Fraction;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- Deal with exponent if present
if Work_String (WS_Index2) = 'E' then
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
if Sign (Work_String (WS_Index2)) then
Exp_Sign_Val := Work_String (WS_Index2);
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
Exp_Sign_Val := '+';
end if;
Exponent := Scan_Int;
-- A value of +1 in exponent means that scan_int detected overflow.
-- This is not yet a range error. If the mantissa is 0 or 1, the
-- effect is as if we had an exponent of 1.
if Exponent = 1 then
if Dval = 0.0 or else Dval = 1.0 then
Exponent := 1;
-- If we have a positive exponent, then if the mantissa is greater
-- than 1.0, we do have an overflow, otherwise if the mantissa is
-- less than 1.0, we have an underflow situation giving a result
-- of zero.
elsif Exp_Sign_Val = '+' then
if Dval > 1.0 then
Dval := 0.0;
end if;
-- For a negative exponent, the situation is the other way round,
-- since we want in effect the reciprocal of the value for the
-- positive case.
if Dval > 1.0 then
Dval := 0.0;
end if;
end if;
-- If no overflow, get abs value of exponent (scan_int returned -exp)
Exponent := -Exponent;
end if;
-- An optimization: if the mantissa is zero, save a lot of time
-- in converting silly numbers like 0E+25000 by resetting exponent.
if Dval = 0.0 then
Exponent := 0;
end if;
-- Adjust mantissa by exponent, using proper exponent sign
if Exp_Sign_Val = '+' then
while Exponent > 0 loop
Dval := Dval * Dbase;
-- ???
-- if Dval > ADA_MAX_REAL then
-- Range_Error;
-- end if;
Exponent := Exponent - 1;
end loop;
while Exponent > 0 loop
Dval := Dval / Dbase;
Exponent := Exponent - 1;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- Return scanned value with proper sign
if Sign_Val = '+' then
return Dval;
return -Dval;
end if;
end Scan_Real_Val;
-- Scan_Float_Val --
function Scan_Float_Val (Fixed_Field : Boolean) return LLF is
Dval : LLF;
Dval := Scan_Real_Val (Fixed_Field);
-- ??? Check that value is in range. Unimplemented for now.
return LLF (Dval);
end Scan_Float_Val;
-- Scan_Float --
function Scan_Float (Width : Natural) return LLF is
Result : LLF;
if Width /= 0 then
Setup_Fixed_Field (Width);
if WS_Index1 = WS_Length then
raise Data_Error; -- String is all blanks
end if;
Result := Scan_Float_Val (True);
Scanning_From_File := True;
Result := Scan_Float_Val (False);
end if;
return Result;
end Scan_Float;
-- Scan_Enum --
procedure Scan_Enum (Last : out Natural) is
if not Scanning_From_File and then WS_Index1 = WS_Length then
raise End_Error; -- String is all blanks
end if;
WS_Index2 := 0;
-- Try identifier
if Alpha (Nextc) then
while Alphanum (Nextc) loop
if Nextc = '_' then
end if;
end loop;
elsif Nextc = ''' then
-- Look for an ending quote.
if Graphic (Nextc) then
Work_String (WS_Index2) := Getcp;
WS_Index2 := WS_Index2 + 1;
if Nextc = ''' then
end if;
raise Data_Error;
end if;
raise Data_Error;
end if;
WS_Length := WS_Index2;
Last := WS_Index1;
end Scan_Enum;
-- The closing of all open files and deletion of temporary files is an
-- action which takes place at the end of execution of the main program.
-- This action can be implemented using a library level object which
-- gets finalized at the end of the main program execution. Below, a
-- controlled type is introduced and an object is declared of this type
-- for this purpose. The Finalize operation associated with this type
-- will do all the necessary work.
type Finalizable_Type is new Controlled with null record;
procedure Finalize (V : in out Finalizable_Type);
Finalizable_Object : Finalizable_Type;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (V : in out Finalizable_Type) is
-- Close all open files except stdin, stdout and stderr
for J in 4 .. Open_Files'Last loop
if Open_Files (J) /= null
and then Open_Files (J).AFCB_In_Use
and then Open_Files (J).Mode /= In_File
end if;
end loop;
-- Delete temporary files upon completion of the main program
while (Temp_Files /= null) loop
Unlink (Temp_Files.File_Name.all);
Temp_Files := Temp_Files.Next;
end loop;
end Finalize;
-- Fopen --
function Fopen (Name : String; Typ : File_Mode) return Text_IO.File_Ptr is
function C_Fopen (Name, Typ : Address) return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, C_Fopen, "fopen");
Name1 : String (Name'First .. Name'Last + 1);
Append_Only : constant String := "at" & Ascii.NUL;
Read_Only : constant String := "rt" & Ascii.NUL;
Write_Only : constant String := "wt" & Ascii.NUL;
Name1 (Name'Range) := Name;
Name1 (Name1'Last) := Nul;
if Typ = In_File then
return C_Fopen (Name1'Address, Read_Only'Address);
elsif Typ = Out_File then
return C_Fopen (Name1'Address, Write_Only'Address);
else -- Append_File
return C_Fopen (Name1'Address, Append_Only'Address);
end if;
end Fopen;
-- Fclose --
procedure Fclose (P : Text_IO.File_Ptr) is
procedure C_Fclose (P : Text_IO.File_Ptr);
pragma Import (C, C_Fclose, "fclose");
C_Fclose (P);
end Fclose;
-- Unlink --
procedure Unlink (Name : String) is
procedure C_Unlink (Name : Address);
pragma Import (C, C_Unlink, "unlink");
Name1 : String (Name'First .. Name'Last + 1);
Name1 (Name'Range) := Name;
Name1 (Name1'Last) := Nul;
C_Unlink (Name1'Address);
end Unlink;
-- Is_Keyboard --
function Is_Keyboard (F : Text_IO.File_Type) return Boolean is
return F.Is_Keyboard;
end Is_Keyboard;
-- Isatty --
function Isatty (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr) return Boolean is
function C_Isatty (I : Integer) return Boolean;
pragma Import (C, C_Isatty, "isatty");
function C_Fileno (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr) return Integer;
pragma Import (C, C_Fileno, "fileno");
return C_Isatty (C_Fileno (F));
end Isatty;
-- C_Fgetc --
procedure C_Fgetc
(F : Text_IO.File_Ptr;
C : out Character;
Is_Eof : out Boolean)
I : Integer;
function Fgetc (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr) return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Fgetc, "fgetc");
I := Fgetc (F);
Is_Eof := I = -1;
if not Is_Eof then
C := Character'Val (I);
end if;
end C_Fgetc;
-- C_Fputc --
procedure Fputc (F : Text_IO.File_Ptr; C : Character) is
procedure C_Fputc (C : Character; F : Text_IO.File_Ptr);
pragma Import (C, C_Fputc, "fputc");
C_Fputc (C, F);
end Fputc;
-- Stdin --
function Stdin return Text_IO.File_Ptr is
function C_Stdin return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, C_Stdin);
return C_Stdin;
end Stdin;
-- Stdout --
function Stdout return Text_IO.File_Ptr is
function C_Stdout return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, C_Stdout);
return C_Stdout;
end Stdout;
-- Stderr --
function Stderr return Text_IO.File_Ptr is
function C_Stderr return Text_IO.File_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, C_Stderr);
return C_Stderr;
end Stderr;
-- Unimplemented --
procedure Unimplemented (Message : String) is
Text_IO.Put (Message);
Text_IO.Put_Line (" not implemented yet");
end Unimplemented;
-- Initialization of Standard Input
Standard_In := new AFCB'(AFCB_In_Use => True,
Desc => Stdin,
Name => new String'("Standard_Input"),
Form => new String'("rt"),
Mode => In_File,
Col => 1,
Line => 1,
Page => 1,
Line_Length => 0,
Page_Length => 0,
Count => 0,
Is_Keyboard => Isatty (Stdin),
Look_Ahead => " ");
-- Initialization of Standard Output
Standard_Out := new AFCB'(AFCB_In_Use => True,
Desc => Stdout,
Name => new String'("Standard_Output"),
Form => new String'("wt"),
Mode => Out_File,
Col => 1,
Line => 1,
Page => 1,
Line_Length => 0,
Page_Length => 0,
Count => 0,
Is_Keyboard => False,
Look_Ahead => " ");
-- Initialization of Standard Error
Standard_Err := new AFCB'(AFCB_In_Use => True,
Desc => Stderr,
Name => new String'("Standard_Error"),
Form => new String'("wt"),
Mode => Out_File,
Col => 1,
Line => 1,
Page => 1,
Line_Length => 0,
Page_Length => 0,
Count => 0,
Is_Keyboard => False,
Look_Ahead => " ");
Current_In := Standard_In;
Current_Out := Standard_Out;
Current_Err := Standard_Err;
Open_Files (Open_Files'First + 0) := Standard_In;
Open_Files (Open_Files'First + 1) := Standard_Out;
Open_Files (Open_Files'First + 2) := Standard_Err;
end Ada.Text_IO.Aux;